Getting married is one of the most surreal moments of our lives. Once hitched we no longer remain lonely in the journey of our lives and have the constant support of our life partners which makes our life less difficult with sharing responsibilities. Romantically speaking while in love, a single soul resides in two bodies. Perhaps the only non-blood relation that becomes the most important relationship of your life, nonetheless this partnership demands a lot of things from both sides for example; communication, loyalty, support, compromise, honesty, forgiveness, boundaries, and so on.
In shor, this relationship should not be taken for granted and should be celebrated to the fullest on all important occasions, your 1st Wedding Anniversary is one of the very important events to make your love feel special. Resin Artwork and Resin-based Varmala Preservation, are becoming very popular lately. So here we have listed a few amazing resin-based best anniversary gift ideas for your husband/wife.
Jay Mala Preservation/ Wedding Varmala Preservation
Let’s first talk about the Wedding Varmala Preservation which is quite a trend now. The Jay Mala ceremony is one of the prominent and fun-filled rituals of the wedding with the exchange of Jay Mala, the bride and groom convey the acceptance of each other as their life partner.
Varmala is the first symbol of acceptance of a couple for each other so Wedding Varmala Preservation can be the most wholesome gift you could ever receive. It can be made in the form of a clock, photo frame, wall decor, or something as small as a keychain. It makes the best anniversary gift for your husband/wife.
There are various other Resin Artcraft gift options to make your romantic day even more romantic. You can do the Wedding Varmala Preservation into some of these items. Here are a few gift options available.
Customized Resin photo Frame With Real Flowers
This Resin art photo frame is a one-of-a-kind gift specially designed to capture your precious moments. This can be your 1st Wedding Anniversary gift with a beautiful wedding day picture of yours. You can preserve your var mala with this Photo frame.

Customized Resin Floral Initial Keychain
A customized Resin Floral Initial Keychain with real flowers preserved in it. If you wish, you can preserve the varmala as a tiny token of remembrance of your D-Day. This could be your portable souvenir of your wedding day.

Personalized Ocean Themed Resin Handmade Photo Frame
If your partner is a beach person and loves the vibe of the ocean then this Personalized Ocean Themed Resin Handmade Photo Frame is a perfect gift for your soulmate. Add your wedding ver mala flowers in this resin ocean photo frame.
1st wedding anniversary is a very special event as it signifies the first year of togetherness and new beginnings in your life. Wedding Varmala Preservation and other Resin-Based gift options with their durability and never-fading-away qualities are the best anniversary gifts for the love of your life to make your 1st ever Wedding anniversary remarkable and unforgatable. For more out-of-the-box and unique gift items best anniversary gifts please visit Presto at
Frequently Asked Question
1. I want to preserve my wedding varmala in a photo frame. Can you do the same?
Yes, we provide customized resin products with wedding var mala preserved in the resin in a photo frame and otherwise as required by you. For more details, please go through our website, , or feel free to chat with us on WhatsApp.
2. How long does it take to make the delivery?
This will take 2-3 days approximately to prepare your product and another 2-3 days to deliver depending upon your location. We try our best to deliver on given dates, however, forces of logistics may prepone or postpone delivery slightly. For more details please feel free to call us on our toll-free number 1800-123-773786.
3. Do you deliver your products all over India?
Yes, we do deliver the product all over India, Please visit our website,, and check the product delivery time according to your Pin-code. For more details, feel free to contact our customer support at +91 8037203011.