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Unique and Most Affordable Wedding Gift Ideas For Newly Married Couple

Marriage is the most important landmark in a persons life. Someone close to you has or will be tying the knot and you want to give a Wedding Gift that would really make them feel special. A wedding gift idea has to be such that is cherished forever and would not be re gifted to someone else.

Personalized gifts are the only sure form of gifting wherein you make sure that the gift will be used and not re gifted. Personalised Moon Lamp is an absolutely new personalized gift and still not many companies are making this. So , if you choose the Moon Lamp online, you can be sure that you chose the Best Wedding Gifts in India.

Each Personalised Moon Lamp is individually 3D printed with your given picture and text. The led light is inside the lamp and is controlled with a remote that comes with the product. A charging cable and a wooden stand is supplied with the product.

Just imagine, you newly married couple can place their own personal moon in their personal space and draw peace, joy and remembrance for you for all times to come. The Moon Lamp is available online and you just need to upload the picture and text you want on the product.

Besides, there are many more wedding gifts ideas available when you look for personalized gifts and you are sure to find your own best wedding gift online.

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