If you are to love,
Love like the moon loves.
It doesn’t steal the night,
It only unveils the beauty of the dark.
Isara A-l Thibeh
Not only we humans but also some wild animals like wolfs are fascinated and mesmerized by the beauty of the moon.There are innumerable celestial bodies in the universe and each one of them symbolizes a feeling, emotion, or object. For instance, Venus is considered to be the goddess of love in Greek mythology. However, the moon is the undisputed symbol of love for all romantics and love poets across the globe. This is because the moon is a loyal companion. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, and changing forever just as we do. We often use the expression “I Love You to The Moon and Back”, but how often do we mean it? Now it’s time to prove it to your loved ones. We here at Presto bring to you The Customized 3D Moon Lamp. Not only is it an exact replica of the original moon but it comes with many more exciting features too!

VARIATION OF COLORS- The moon lamp makes for one of the best customized gift sowing to the features it comes stacked with. It has LED lights built into it which have 16 different colours to suit 16 different moods of the user. From Red color symbolizing romance, to Blue color symbolizing depth and stability, to Gray color giving you the exact calmness of the moon,the product has got you covered.

PERSONALISED TEXT AND PICTURES-As a customized gift, not only does it come with a variety of colours, but it can be customized as per your needs too! Make the Moon lamp even more meaningful by adding a text or a picture of your loved one.
EASY TO USE-This customized Moon Lamp comes with a USB charger and a remote. The power of this Moon Lamp lasts up to 8 hours and can be easily charged using the USB charger. The unique feature about the lamp is that the user can either use the remote to change the colour of its lights or simply tab the bottom of the moon with one finger!

While there are many gifting options such as flowers,chocolates and cards, there is nothing that matches the value sand emotions offered by customized gifts. This soothing and budget friendly customized moon lamp is the most meaningful gift you can ever give to someone. So what are you waiting for? Grab yours now at Presto.